Take Action
Join us in exposing the humane hoax!
In 3 simple steps, you can make a difference!
ONE: Stop saying
“factory farming.”
Instead, say:
animal farming,
animal agriculture, or
animal agribusiness.
The term factory farming conjures up images of horrific lives for animals, rightly so, yet also implies that, conversely, animals raised on smaller farms or with “humane” labels have idyllic lives.
All farmed animals suffer regardless of where or how they are raised. See the article “Stop Saying Factory Farming” for more information.
TWO: Educate people.
If someone tells you they only buy “humanely raised” animal products, let them know:
No matter the label, farmed animals suffer.
Farmed animals are separated from their families.
Farmed animals are mutilated without painkillers (debeaked, dehorned, castrated, branded, tails and toes are cut off).
Farmed animals are killed at a fraction of their natural lifespan.
Males are killed as babies in the egg or dairy industries (because they don’t produce eggs and dairy).
“Humane” slaughter does not exist.
Slaughter is frightening, painful, and violent – not at all the same as euthanasia for your beloved companion animals.
All farmed animals, no matter the label or size of the farm, are sent to a brutal slaughter—the ultimate betrayal.
Read and share this article about “humane slaughter.”
THREE: Spread the word!
Order FOR FREE the Humane Hoax Leafleting Cards.
Leave them at coffee shops, markets, give them out at events and on the street! Help spread the message that animals suffer in all forms of animal agribusiness.
Leafleting Card: The Reason for Vegan (Front) and The Humane Hoax (Back)
8 Page Vegan Booklet - Living Compassionately (download PDF here)